Adoption and Greening of Public Parks

Working towards increasing the green cover in urban areas, DLF Foundation has adopted two adjoining public parks from the Municipal Corporation of Delhi in Greater Kailash–I. These parks spread over 8 acres are currently being developed into model parks through large scale restoration of boundary walls, open gyms and children’s play equipment. The parks now also feature new way-finder signage, seasonal plants, manicured hedges, aromatic herbs and trees species along with landscaped greens.

While focussing on aesthetics, the programme ensures that the design and upgradation of the parks are environment-friendly, safe and self-reliant. To ensure hygiene and waste management, dry and wet waste dustbins have been installed in the park to make the park a “plastic-free zone”. Additionally, the biodegradable waste from the parks is processed in a new vermicomposting pit, providing the required manure and compost to maintain the greens.

We have created 7 new rainwater harvesting pits to ensure water conservation. The parks use a new and efficient irrigation system along with a new power-saving electrical cable and wiring distribution network. Safety in the park is now improved as 15 new CCTV cameras have been installed.

Our efforts in restoring the parks have been possible with support from the South Delhi Municipal Corporation, the RWA, residents as well as the regulars at the park.

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Beautification of the park at GK-I

GK-I Park

Greening of the GK-I Parks

Horticulture at GK-I park

Plantation at GK -I Park

Play area for children at GK-I park

Seasonal plants at GK-I park

Tree plantation at GK -I park

Tree plantation at GK-I park-II