Distribution of Assistive Devices to the Specially-Abled

DLF Foundation in collaboration with Samkalp Education Foundation supported an event at Bhagat Singh Stadium in New Delhi on the 25th of December, for providing support to the specially abled with donation of equipment. The event focused on empowering the community through the provision of aids and assistive devices and coaching them in the use of these devices.

Several major stakeholders collaborated with DLF Foundation and Samkalp Education Foundation for this initiative including Saksham and Northex Blind Welfare and Educational Society, organizations that work with persons with disabilities and aided Samkalp to identify these beneficiaries, Deen Dayal Upadhaya National Institute for Person with Disabilities, which aided with the assessment of the disabled persons, MP Charitable Society as well as Anganwadi and Asha Workers.

A detailed process was put in place to identify the physically disabled beneficiaries for the programme. A team of social workers responsible for identifying beneficiaries from different areas of the district was formed by Samkalp. The social workers collaborated with district social welfare officers, disability officers in the government department of Delhi and district magistrates to identify and mobilize the beneficiaries. The team also worked closely with Anganwadi and Asha workers to help identify and mobilize beneficiaries.

For the mobilization of the beneficiaries, Samkalp's team of social workers along with partner organizations worked with the specially abled community to ensure their safe arrival at the venue on the 25th of December.

For the assessment of the beneficiaries at the camp, a team from Deen Dayal Updhaya Institute for Persons with Physical Disabilities checked and verified disabilities present in each beneficiary and additionally recommended the requirement of the devices needed for the disabled person.

A session was conducted to familiarize beneficiaries in the use of the assistive device by Ms. Neha Aneja, a professor from Delhi University and a person with disabilities, and Mr. Madan Mohan Tripathi, Director General, NIELIT. Additionally, The Hon. Member of Parliament of North-West Delhi was present at the event to speak about the inclusion of persons with disability.

Though only 500 beneficiaries were identified for this initiative initially, 977 beneficiaries participated in the event due to rigorous outreach efforts of the team and the event was a huge success.